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mi vagyunk

  2009.11.24. 12:30

We are in the business of purchasing unwanted or broken jewelry (or items containing precious metals) from the general public at scrap value, to be refined into pure form and sold at market (spot) value. Our customer base is any individual or entity, worldwide, who has such items and is interested in converting them into cash.

Our core service is providing a fast, efficient, convenient and easy solution for people looking to sell their unwanted or broken jewelry for top dollar.

We solicit our customers through direct marketing (online, radio, television, etc.). Interested parties enter their information in our subsidiary’s website, or by calling in to the toll-free number (888-D4GOLD1).

A return mail package will be sent to the customer, providing them with all the materials they will need in order to return their items to us. Upon receipt, items will be appraised based on the quality and quantity returned. A check will be issued to the customer and, if accepted, the items will be refined into pure form.

Our business consists of collaboration between two entities-- a direct marketing/online lead generation firm and a precious metals refinery. The experience, infrastructure and resources of the marketing firm enable us to generate traffic from parties interested in converting their unwanted precious metals to cash. The experience, infrastructure and resources of the refinery enable us to offer high payouts, hedge against price fluctuations in metals markets and process materials cost effectively.

Our principals own the domain names,,, and over seventy similarly named domains. Our principals also own the tradename “Dollars4Gold”.

Fő szolgáltatást nyújt gyors, hatékony, kényelmes és egyszerű megoldás az emberek, akik megpróbálják eladni kívánt vagy törött ékszerek a top dollár.

Mi is kérünk ügyfeleink keresztül direkt marketing (online, rádió, televízió, stb.) Az érdekelt feleknek meg kell adnia a tájékoztatást a mi leányvállalat honlapján vagy vonnák az ingyenesen hívható (888-D4GOLD1).

A csomagot postafordultával meg kell küldeni az ügyfélnek, hogy biztosítja számukra az összes anyag, amelyre szükségük van ahhoz, hogy visszatérjen a tételeket nekünk. Kézhezvételét követően, elemek alapján kell értékelni a minőség és mennyiség visszajött. Meg kell vizsgálni, hogy ki lesz az ügyfél, és ha elfogadják, a tételek finomítani fogják a tiszta formában.

Üzleti áll a két szervezet közötti együttműködés - a direkt marketing / online vezető termelő cég és a nemesfémek finomító. A tapasztalat, az infrastruktúra és az erőforrások a gazdasági vállalkozás lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy forgalmat generálni a felek, konvertálják nemkívánatos nemesfémek készpénzre. A tapasztalat, az infrastruktúra és a források a finomító lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy kiváló kifizetéseket, fedezze áringadozások fémek piacok és a feldolgozás alatt levő anyagok költséghatékonyan.

Legfontosabb beszállítóink saját domain neveket,,, és több mint hetven hasonló nevű területen. Legfontosabb beszállítóink is a saját kereskedelmi neve: "Dollars4Gold".



  2009.11.24. 12:27



Money4Gold Holdings Inc. az Egyesült Államok állami társaság szakosodott nagyarányú újrahasznosítására arany, ezüst és platina.

Money4Gold kínálja a felfelé mutató potenciál a virágzó nemesfémek piacán a széles körű beszerzése, az újrahasznosítás és a termelés az arany, ezüst és a platina, miközben egyidejűleg biztosít egy új szintű szolgáltatást és kifizetési az egyének és csoportok szeretnének eladni a nemesfémek. Keresztül Money4Gold fogyasztói weboldalak, beleértve a az angol vagy spanyol számára az Egyesült Államokba; angol vagy francia Kanada tekintetében; angolul az Egyesült Királyság, a vállalat arra törekszik, hogy a legkényelmesebb, hatékony és biztonságos módon, hogy a magánszemélyeknek recycle tétel tartalmazza a nemesfémek.




Money4Gold Holdings Inc. is the U.S. public company specializing in the large-scale recycling of gold, silver and platinum.

Money4Gold offers the upside potential of the thriving precious metals markets by the broad-scale acquisition, recycling and production of gold, silver and platinum, while concurrently providing a new level of service and payout to individuals and groups wanting to sell their precious metals. Through Money4Gold’s consumer websites, including in either English or Spanish for the USA; in either English or French for Canada; in English for the UK, the Company strives to provide the most convenient, efficient and secure method for individuals to recycle items containing precious metals.

Selling gold online

  2009.11.24. 11:09

Looking to sell your Gold online? Are you letting your gold gather dust? Send it to Money for Gold. We will test it and weigh it and let you know by email how much money we will pay. If you are not satisfied, we will return the items to you. You must be 18 years of age or older. There is no cost EVER for our FREE precious metal evaluation. We are not a pawn shop, we are a refiner of your precious metal and pay you top money. Get some cash for your gold!

how it works

  2009.11.24. 11:04


The process is Quick, Easy and Secure!

1. Fill out our Free Evaluation form

2. Money for Gold will send you a SECURE self addressed postage paid mailer.

3. Money for Gold receives your package and we carefully evaluate FREE OF CHARGE your metal. Money for Gold makes you an OFFER based on the current metal prices THE DAY MONEY FOR GOLD receives your package at NO OBLIGATION to you.

4. When Money for Gold receives your approval we send out YOUR MONEY promptly.

Remember YOU get to APPROVE the offer

If you are not completely satisfied

We return your goods at no cost to you within the USA

Insurance charges will apply on request.

Returned items - shipping charges are applicable outside of USA

You must be 18 years or older.

How your Metal is Analyzed

An assay chemical analysis or a state-of-the-art X-ray is performed on your materials to determine the composition of your metal. We always make sure we have the correct composition of your precious metals.

Germany's Defense Minister demands clear progress during Afghan visit

  2009.11.12. 16:39

Afghanistan | 12.11.2009,,4883403,00.html

Germany's Defense Minister demands clear progress during Afghan visit


Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg said that his country was committed to its mission in Afghanistan, but that President Karzai's new administration must outline a clear plan for the future.



Defense Minister Guttenberg, who arrived on an unannounced visit to Kabul on Thursday, said that the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai must show that there is discernible progress in the country. Guttenberg is on his maiden visit to the country, where over 4,000 German troops are deployed.


“The Karzai government has to fulfil certain conditions," he asserted, adding:“We hope our expectations will be met.”


Guttenberg, who assumed his new role as defense minister just over two weeks ago, held meetings with President Karzai and top NATO commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal as well as his Afghan counterpart Abdul Rahim Wardak in the capital Kabul.


After his meeting with Karzai, the German defense minister said that he had discussed the widespread corruption in the country and the style of governance, among other things.


Guttenberg is the latest in a series of foreign ministers and world leaders who have publicly pressured Karzai, hedging financial and military support on his willingness to battle corruption and tackle reforms.


Karzai is to be sworn in on November 19 for another five years in power under the scrutiny of the international community. Huge fraud that marred the August 20 presidential election highlighted the scale of corruption in Afghanistan's government and has led to condemnation of Karzai’s administration and demands that he tackle graft.


Break with tradition


Guttenberg was set to visit some of the German troops stationed in the north of the country later in the day.

Bundeswehr soldiers in KunduzBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Germany has over 4,000 troops deployed in northern Afghanistan

Guttenberg surprised many in Germany soon after he assumed his new role as defense minister , when he described Germany's engagement in Afghanistan as a combat operation. He told the Bild newspaper that there was a "war" in Afghanistan.

"The feeling is – and not just among our troops – that the Taliban is waging a war against soldiers of the international community," Guttenberg said in a clear break with tradition.

Previous defense ministers had been reticent to use the word "war."

Unpopular mission

Guttenberg's visit comes at a time of intensifying debate in Germany over the Bundeswehr's mission in Afghanistan, with Berlin's deployment of Bundeswehr soldiers to the Hindu Kush region becoming increasingly unpopular at home.

It also follows news that a NATO probe into a September airstrike that killed dozens of Afghan civilians showed that the German commander who ordered it broke military procedure.

The September 4 strike on fuel trucks in the northeastern Kunduz province was the most deadly operation involving German troops since World War II. The attack was ordered by German Colonel Georg Klein and carried out by a US fighter jet. German federal prosecutors were set to look into the incident, after a NATO report condemned the airstrike.

The German army has backed Klein's decision, saying he acted out of concern for German troops, while Guttenberg described the strike as "appropriate in military terms."

Guttenberg in BerlinBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Guttenberg heads the defense ministry at a time when the Afghan mission is unpopular

Call for clear goals for NATO

Ahead of his Afghan trip, the German defense minister called for an international conference on Afghanistan to set what he called "clear goals" for the NATO-led alliance's deployment there.

The comments come as US President Barack Obama weighs his country's strategy for the Afghan conflict, after tainted elections threw NATO's support of President Hamid Karzai into doubt.

"If we should have to realign our objectives after such a conference, then we would also have to think about our own capabilities there," Guttenberg said.

The German parliament is set to debate the renewal of the army's Afghanistan mandate before mid-December. Any increase of German troop levels that may be requested by the US when it has decided on its own strategy is bound to be highly controversial given the public perception of the Bundeswehr's engagement there.

Guttenberg also said: "We must not be shy about using the word exit strategy."

Editor: Trinity Hartman

East German artist encourages painting against the grain

  2009.11.05. 09:34,,4860853,00.html

East German artist encourages painting against the grain
As an artist in East Germany, Hans-Hendrik Grimmling painted himself out of "socialist realism" in the GDR. He and five other artists were pioneers in organizing an uncensored exhibition: the First Leipzig Fall Salon.

Hans-Hendrik Grimmling was practically born with a paintbrush in his hand. By 14, he and a friend had already set up their own studio in Grimmling's hometown Zwenkau, near Leipzig.

The two boys did not just have art on their minds, though. Although they painted, copied works by artists including Franz Marc, and even sold a couple of pieces, the studio served more as a sanctuary of freedom. They used the space to drink and throw parties, and would rent the room to young couples in exchange for a glass of beer. Everyone else kept their distance.
"It felt great," recalled Grimmling. "At such a young age, we had already carved a niche and tried to free ourselves from convention."
The soldier with the painting kit
After finishing school, Hans-Hendrik Grimmling joined the National People's Army (NVA), as all young men in East Germany were required to do. He later described the experience as the most terrible time of his life, full of humiliation and hidden tears.
During his service, Grimmling's painting kit was one of the only personal items he was allowed to keep. He retreated to his room each night to paint and avoid the problems he faced in the military. "There, I painted just for myself as an escape and to feel a kind of tenderness. Painting saved me from the reality I faced and helped me survive," he said.
Upon completing his military service, Grimmling was accepted to East Germany's most renowned university for artists, in Leipzig. He and his classmates gained a reputation for being wild - but also unbelievably productive.
"Completely strange imagination"
Grimmling finished his basic studies with Werner Tuebke, one of the most famous GDR painters, and was accepted along with five other students for the advanced class called "Free Art." It was led by Wolfgang Mattheuer, another important figure in the Leipzig art scene. Mattheuer's class provided Grimmling with an important forum where he could enjoy artistic freedom.
However, Grimmling was prevented from graduating just before the end of his studies. The faculty cited his "completely strange imagination" and the influence of "imperialistic decadence" in his work as reasons for his failure. There was nothing of the proletariat to be found in his paintings, they criticized.  
Faced with expulsion, Grimmling accepted an assignment to paint two miners in a piece called "Working Heroes." He explained that he had not yet developed a radically alternative perspective and still wanted the official recognition that a diploma confers.
"Working Heroes" led Grimmling to graduate with the grade of "very good" and he was offered a position at the Association of Visual Artists. The job provided for his basic needs and offered opportunities to take part in state-sponsored art projects and deals.
Bildunterschrift: "Umerziehung der Voegel" (Reeducation of the Birds), by Hans-Hendrik Grimmling, 1978
Catching the censors' attention
Alongside his official role, however, Grimmling was developing his own vision. He painted birds without wings or with contorted bodies turning in on themselves, while experimenting and testing boundaries with fellow artists.
His work began to draw attention from the East German censors. In particular, a line from a poem he and artist and friend Olaf Wegewitz posted above a gallery door raised concern. The line ran "The word ruins the way," and the censors wondered whether Grimmling meant to implicate the ruling SED party.
Government officials cancelled the gallery's planned exhibition one day before its opening date and ordered that it be taken down. The episode frustrated Wegewitz and Grimmling, who recalled, "We were humiliated, but, at the same time, we felt a sort of pleasure in being able to define ourselves differently and not belong to 'them.'"
Beyond the state's imagination
Another of Grimmling's exhibits was forbidden a year later, but the artist did not give up. He sought new ways to exhibit his work, and finally he had a stroke of genius.
Together with five other artists, Grimmling organized the "First Leipzig Fall Salon." The 1984 event became the first uncensored exhibition to take place in East Germany.
Due to their membership in the Association of Visual Artists, Grimmling and fellow painter Guenther Huniat were able to rent a space for the exhibit from a government agency in Leipzig. The state officials couldn't image that the artists were not planning to show official works from the Association, but their own independent creations.
Eventually, the Stasi - the East German secret polic

Long-awaited Opel decision could come Thursday

  2009.09.10. 13:09

Auto Industry | 10.09.2009

Long-awaited Opel decision could come Thursday,,4663722,00.html

After a two-day meeting of GM's board, sources close to the negotiations say a decision has been made regarding the future of German car maker Opel. A GM executive has reportedly traveled to Berlin to deliver the news.

The long-anticipated decision on the fate of German carmaker Opel could come Thursday afternoon. Opel's American parent company General Motors has sent its chief negotiator, John Smith, to Berlin to meet with German officials and deliver a press conference based on the latest developments with Opel.

The announcement to send Smith to Berlin comes after two days of meetings between GM executives. Late Wednesday, sources close to the negotiations in Detroit have said that a decision on Opel has been made, but there were no indications of what that decision might be.

German jobs at stake

GM's plans for its European subsidiary Opel have had government officials, labor unions, and Opel employees anxiously waiting on a decision for months. In Germany, Opel employs around 25,000 people.

Opel has been struggling to stay afloat while GM continues to restructure after declaring bankruptcy in July. It has been unclear how Opel will fit into the future of GM, and the German government has propped up Opel with a 1.5 billion euro ($2.2 billion) until a final decision is made.

Klaus Franz

Klaus Franz is hopeful for a Magna takeover

Germany favors a plan to sell Opel to Canadian auto parts maker Magna and Russian investment partner Sperbank. In the past, GM has reportedly favored a deal that would sell Opel to RHJ International, a Brussels-based investment firm, although recent reports suggest GM may be considering a bid to keep Opel. German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck has said that a GM decision to keep Opel would be conditional on payback of the German government's state loan.


Depending on decision, protests planned

Klaus Franz is the head of Opel's workers' council, and announced Thursday morning on German television that should GM's announcement not include the sale of Opel to Magna, protests against the decision would likely follow. He sees a deal with Magna as the easiest and most beneficial option.

"If reason and industrial logic carry the day, then Magna should win," Franz said in an interview with television station ZDF.

Editor: Trinity Hartman


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